[RS] 325007 – 5J03 21:27 Warrington R.M.T – Crewe T.M.D (E) (2017)

[RS] 325007 – 5J03 21:27 Warrington R.M.T – Crewe T.M.D (E) (2017)

24th June 2023 8 By 87002RS-John

Hello, this is one ‘standard’ scenario for the lovely ‘West Coast Mainline Midlands & Northwest’ route from ATS.
Length: Approximately 40 minutes.

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

>Scenario Guide:
You begin this scenario at Warrington Royal Mail terminal where you have been sent to take 325007 back to Crewe Electric Depot in readiness for an upcoming exam. You will now drive the single class 325 as 5J03 the 21:27 from Warrington to Crewe IEMD. Despite not being booked off until 21:27 the signallers regularly let this run early but even if it looks like you might have an early home time, you will be regulated behind other services for most of the run back, so be sure to keep an eye on those signals! A detailed manual with links to everything you need is included with the download:

Where applicable, the following do require *ALL* their listed dependencies to function as intended:

WCML Trent Valley Route Add-on:
EWS Class 66 V2:
Freightliner Class 66 V2:
YLA Mullet Wagon Pack:

>Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 66 Enhancement Pack:
Class 68 Enhancement Pack:
Class 90/Mk3 DVT Pack:
Class 150/2 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack: (Static consist)
Class 175 Enhancement Pack 2.0:
Class 325 Enhancement Pack:
Class 350 Enhancement Pack:
Class 390 Sound Pack:
Mk1 Coach Pack Vol.1: (Static consist)
Mk2D-F Coach Pack: (Static consist)
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack:
JNA-C Wagon Pack: (Static consist)
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0 (Recommended):

>Alan Thomson Sim:
WCML Midlands & Northwest (Phase 4 or later + all dependencies):

>Just Trains:
Class 67 Advanced & Car Carriers: (Static consist)

>Major Wales Design:
Class 390 Revamp Pack:

Items marked ‘static consist’ aren’t essential for the scenario to run but are recommended to enhance the experience. That’s it for this one, I really hope you enjoy the drive. Please do feel free to leave feedback, questions, or any issues you may have via the download page on the website or via the ATS Facebook Group and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Look forward to hearing your comments as always.

>Update Log: None.
>24/06/23 / Initial Release.

Take care, enjoy,
John (87002RS)