2F09 0710 London Waterloo to Guildford
21st June 2021While most of the population are either asleep or having breakfast in bed, you as a driver are on earlies on a Sunday. The first job of the day is an early morning stopper from Waterloo to Guildford calling at most stations on route. Traction consists of a pair of Class 455 EMUs in 8 Carriage formation
Based: 20th June 2021
All services operated by South Western Railway have accurate unit numbers and traction allocated as per reality of day of base including stock stabled in depots as far as possible
Dovetail Games London Waterloo to Portsmouth Harbour route
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 455 Vol. 2 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 375/377 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 456 EMU Pack
Vulcan Productions Class 456 SWR Branding Pack
Semaphore Simulations SWR Class 159 Reskin Pack
Semaphore Simulations SWR Class 450/444 Reskin Pack
Alan Thomson Sim Class 700/707/717 Pack
This scenario has been fully tested however should you have any issue then please get in touch and I will try my best to sort it out. All feedback welcome
Just finished playing the scenario, and I loved it! There were no issues with the installation or the actual scenario itself, and the service itself was calm and pleasant to drive with just the right amount of AI to make the SWML feel alive and also not completely destroy my PC xD. Great scenario and I would highly recommend everyone else to give this a try!
Hi glad you enjoyed it;
It was based on a Sunday morning so there was very little about and as you most likley noticed, there was loads of stuff stabled in depots