9K13 0730 Luton – Orpington Part 2
23rd February 2019Continue driving a class 319 set operating as 9K13, The 0730 Luton to Orpington. This first part of the scenario will have you driving as far as Denmark Hill. Be careful with the throttle however it may get slippery.
South London Network
Brighton Mainline
Chatham Mainline
AP Class 319 Vol1
Superalbs Class 377 Thameslink Reskin
Superalbs Class 387 Thameslink Reskin
AlanThomsonSim Class 319 ‘319426’ Thameslink White Reskin
Well done mate I’m from originally from Bromley then lived in Orpington so brings back memories as I was train crew at Orpington Depot.
Glad you enjoyed. I’m from Australia but i try my best based on what i have seen.
Part 1 and Part 2 nice scenarios. Thanks!!!
cant find in game
Make sure you have copied the content folder to your railworks folder. Then it should come up under standard scenarios
The individual scenario folder for some reason is outside the route folder. I had the same issue. It’s only a matter of putting the individual scenario folder in to the scenario folder of the route. Don’t know why it does this but for some reason after unzipping this keeps occuring