UK Desiro Extra Pass View Cameras (350/360/444/450)
21st October 2020This patch adds more passenger view camera positions to UK Desiros (the Class 380 doesn’t have a passenger view, and the original Class 444 & 450 hasn’t been included).
It adds more passenger view cameras to the AP Class 350 EP; DTG WCML-South Class 350; Thomson WCML-TV Class 350; DTG Class 360; AP Class 444 EP; DTG Class 444 (PDL New & SB); AP Class 450 EP; DTG Class 450 (PDL New & SB). Installation details and requirements can be found below.
1) Copy the Assets folder and paste it into your Railworks folder.
Note: A backup of the original passenger view .bin file is included in the download, should you wish to revert to the original.
MANUAL DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14uV8FRMkC451wfLtxqGZh7mZGGF0MhsU/view?usp=sharing
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 350 Enhancement Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse: Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
Steam: WCML South: London Euston – Birmingham Route
Steam: WCML Trent Valley Route
Steam: Great Eastern Main Line London-Ipswich Route
Steam: Portsmouth Direct Line: London Waterloo – Portsmouth Route
Steam: South Western Main Line: Southampton – Bournemouth Route
i installed these and the views for the 350 were gone? have the EP pack for it, but the inside views were not there?
its not this pack thats broken, its another views patch for the 350 that is. sorry
Such a nice pack, I have seen some for the 313/314/315 but they don’t seem to work. Would you possibly have a go at making them in the near future? Thanks
Hi Harry, thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to do a passenger view pack for the 313/314/315 since they don’t actually have a passenger view to begin with. The patches you’ve seen are ones that add a passenger view to the units, this is out of my scope of expertise – I just add more camera positions to existing passenger views, rather than creating whole new ones. Thanks for your interest though, and I’m glad you’re enjoying this pack!
extra passenger views on the 319 AP?
Added to the list
Excellent views, Cheers
Glad you enjoy them 🙂
HI, CJ , How about the Class 170 EP as this train is crying out for some good quality passenger views, Cheers.
Hi Aaron, there is already a Class 170 patch here: https://greatbritishrailwo.wixsite.com/gbrw/patches
I know they’re not the best quality, but I’m not modelling new passenger views, rather I’m just adding more camera positions to existing passenger views.
Which buttons let you switch between views? I cant seem to find the combination other than the normal “5” on the keyboard.
Arrow keys
As CrankyBot said, click “5”, then use the arrow keys left and right to cycle through the different positions.
a patch for the 390 (DTG Version) would be really nice instead of sitting in one spot 🙂
I was thinking this too! It’s added to the list 🙂