Class 395 AC/DC Patch
27th January 2020An issue with the 395 in TS is that at Ebbsfleet International, power source is switched between AC/DC mode, depending on the direction of travel. With AI Traffic, this is not simulated, which leads to trains running along OHLE sections with no pantograph raised, and vice versa, trains running along 3rd rail sections with the pantograph raised. Annoying.
Within this download are “AC” and “DC” versions of the DPTS, which for scenario creators, will help massively to ensure that the power supply visuals are correct for the AI trains wherever they are within the scenario.
The versions for the Pantograph forced up have ‘AC’ named on the .bin files, example:
and in the scenario editor they are titled like so:
[395] SET DPTS 1 AC
[395] SET DPTS 1 AC nd np
For trains using the 3rd rail, they will NOT have AC in the bin name or the name in the scenario editor.
Also included are versions with no driver in the cab (denoted with the ‘nd’ prefix) and versions where the carriages are empty of passengers (prefixed with ‘np’). These are very useful for ECS moves and trains stabled in sidings/depots.
London to Faversham High Speed
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Thanks, and enjoy!
First of all, thank you so much for providing this patch. The phantograph of AI-controlled class 395 is now raised.
But there’s a small problem. The pantograph ‘height’ of AC AI Class 395 is too low. So it doesn’t reach the wires.
I’d appreciate it if you could solve this problem.
And thank you again for providing this patch.
Not sure why this is happening my friend, as mine are all at the correct height, and this is the first I have ever heard of this issue. It could possibly be an issue with the route you are running it on….
its from career scenary?