1V96 1133 Holyhead to Cardiff Central
23rd February 2022On this Summer’s morning, you are in charge of 67025, with 1V96 1133 Holyhead to Cardiff Central service. Please set up your cab and prepare for an 1133 departure from Holyhead, taking the train as far as Chester.
You will be calling at Bangor, Llandudno Junction, Colwyn Bay, Rhyl, Prestatyn, Flint and Chester. Duration – 100 minutes.
For installation, simply unpack the Zip file with 7Zip or any other viable application. Then drag the unzipped file into your Railworks’ content folder.
(Requirements marked with an * are essential for the scenario to run)
(Requirements NOT marked with an * are optional but does enhance the enjoyment of the scenario)
– North Wales Coastal (TfW)*
– AP Track Enhancement Pack
– AP Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack
– AP Mk2A-C Coach Pack
– AP Class 37 Vol. 1 Pack
– DTG European Community Asset Pack
– DTG WCML North
– AP Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack
– DTG EWS Class 67 (*)
– AP Class 67 Enhancement Pack(*)
– DTG Intercity Class 91 (*)
– AP Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack (*)
– MJW Transport for Wales MK4 WAG Pack (*)
– AP Class 150/2 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack
– DTG Network SouthEast Class 159
– Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack
– MJW Transport for Wales Class 158
– DTG South Wales Coastal: Bristol to Swansea
– AP Class 175 Enhancement Pack 2.0
AI collision on this one. The colliding services weren’t listed but was presented with longitude and latitude numbers that by the time i got hold of a pen, had disappeared off the screen.
yes same happened with me
I will have to check that. May I ask where you had this collision so I can check for myself? 🙂
I wasn’t too far from Llandudno Junction. Hadn’t stopped at Llandudno Junction as the collision happened before i got to it so somewhere between Conwy and Llandudno. Is there any static consist that a moving AI crashes into? Usually an AI collision gives the name of the errand trains but on this occasion it just threw up lat and long numbers that i hadn’t time to write down.
Thank you for letting me know.
As far as AI, there is a static MTU NMT in the sidings and Llandudno Junction as well as a static AP 150/2 in platform 1 as if it was going to Llandudno. When I have free time today I will have a look 🙂
Hi There,
I have found the problem at Colwyn Bay
Stupidly, I misplaced a Class 37 to be inside 1Z34
I have fixed it now but will have to see if I can replace the download
Thanks for pointing that out
None the less, i enjoyed the scenario to the point of collision and will sit it again and complete it. Thanks for your efforts.
I found the offending issue within the editor and removed the rogue 37. Takes a good eye to spot it hidden among the maroon stock. That’s quite an easy mistake to make when creating a scenario. Not the first time i’ve created my own scenario and did the same thing.
Just confirming i’ve completed the rerun having removed the errand 37. Strangely, i enjoyed the second run more than the first 🙂
Thank You for your feedback. I will continue to create scenarios when I have free time 🙂
No content folder in the scenario just this a52bfc37-06cc-4c69-bbc7-64c72c818e39
My apologies. This is the first scenario I have uploaded and will figure out what folders need to be included in the download of the scenario 🙂