1A13 07.33 Exeter St. David’s – London Paddington (2022)
11th February 2022Hi, and thank you for downloading this 90 minute scenario for the fantastic Berks & Hants to Bristol and Penzance route.
To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario and is named “[MJC] 1A13 0733 Exeter St. David’s – London Paddington”.
On a cloudy February Saturday you are in charge of a morning departure from Exeter to London with unit 800317.
You will be driving as far as Bristol Temple Meads, calling at Taunton, Bridgwater, Highbridge & Burnham, Weston-super-Mare, Worle, Yatoon, and Nailsea & Backwell. There is engineering work west of Exeter today, with replacement buses in operation. Year: 2022
The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly:
* From Alan Thomson Sim:
– Berks & Hants to Bristol and Penzance route (and all associated requirements) https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/berks-and-hants-to-bristol-and-penzance-v2/
* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Class 66 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 150/2 DMU pack
– Class 158 (Cummins) enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 800-803 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– JNA-C wagon pack
* From Superalbs https://superalbs.weebly.com/train-sim-reskins.html :
– Class 166 – Great Western Railway (and associated requirements)
* From Major Wales Design:
– Class 43 Revamp Pack (and associated requirements for MTU variants) https://www.major.wales/revamp-packs/class-43
* From Just Trains:
– Voyager Advanced 2019 https://www.justtrains.net/product/voyager-advanced-2019
– JJA Autoballaster Pluspak Advanced https://www.justtrains.net/product/jja-autoballaster-pluspak
Optional Requirements:
The following are NOT required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly, however they will add to the immersion:
* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack.
* From Just Trains:
– Cargowaggon IWB PlusPak https://www.justtrains.net/product/cargowaggon-iwb-pluspak
– Cargowaggon Flat IGA PlusPak https://www.justtrains.net/product/cargowaggon-flat-iga-pluspak
I do hope you enjoy this scenario.
I too am getting crashes on loading 🙁
Hi Matt,
This scenario no matter what i try continually crashes while loading, no matter what I try. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ben,
Sorry to hear you’re having issues. All I can suggest is to just check that you have all of the route requirements. When I started making this I realised that I did not have the original Bristol to Exeter route installed so had to do that. You also require Western Main Lines (the original part), and the original South Western Expressways (not the re-released version with the Reading extension). Beyond that I don’t know what to suggest I’m afraid. Hope you manage to get it sorted.