(TPWA) 5Y56 Salisbury T&R.S.M.D to Basingstoke Bartn Ml C.S.D

(TPWA) 5Y56 Salisbury T&R.S.M.D to Basingstoke Bartn Ml C.S.D

10th March 2024 8 By thepersonwhoaksed

in this scenario you take a class 158 on a move from Salisbury T&R.S.M.D to Basingstoke Bartn Ml C.S.D please note due to issues with force reds on whilst moving into platform one at Salisbury you must not move unitll the service in front has moved How to install: Simply drag and drop the content folder into your rail works directory which can be found through SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RailWorks Requirements: Anything marked with * is static only. Armstrong powerhouse: 444/450 enhancement pack Class 66 enhancement pack Class 158/159 Cummins enhancement pack Jna-c wagon pack* Fsa/fta wagon pack Class 221/220 sound pack Sky and weather ep version 2 Steam: Nse 159(for ap 158/159) Portsmouth direct line (for ap class 444/450) Southampton to Bournemouth (for jt Wessex mailine) EWS Class 66 V2.0 and/or Freightliner Class 66 V2.0 And/or Midland Mainline: London to Bedford and/or Powerhaul Class 66 V2.0 class 70 Just trains: Wessex mainline Voyager advanced Train sim community: Class 66 gbrf 2017+ Semaphore simulations: Zico’s Swr 444/450 reskin pack (must be version 2.1) Zico’s swr/swt class 158 reskin (must be the latest version) voyager pack Major Wales design: Class 158 plawwie patch Freightliner headboards DB 66 headboards Alan Thompson simulations: Updated voyager consists 66 led lights i do hope you enjoy this senario feel free to comment any feedback you might have to help me improve

Update: V1.1

-fixed the pathing of the senario
-removed the 377 which was breaking everything