(BL) 2F20+2F31 Liverpool Lime Street to Warrington & Return (2016)

(BL) 2F20+2F31 Liverpool Lime Street to Warrington & Return (2016)

7th October 2023 1 By LangtonPhotography

Two scenarios for the ATS chat moss route that covers a return journey from Liverpool to Warrington and back on a sunny summers evening with a class 319. You’ll be calling at various stations on both journeys and will encounter some disruption but nothing that affects you too much. Scenarios are set in late 2016.

Armstrong Powerhouse:

*Class 158 EP (both the Cummins and Perkins packs are recommended for this scenario)
*Class 319 vol.1
*Class 66 pack
*Class 350 EP
*Class 156 multiple unit pack
Class 175 EP
Class 142 multiple unit pack
*Class 150/2 & Class 150/1 multiple unit packs
*Class 390 sound pack
Class 325 EP
HHA wagon pack
*Weather EP v2
*Signal EP
*Cloud EP


*Jake fuller/Fuller simulations Drax wagons
Class 185
*BH Reskins class 390 reskin pack (for the WCML South version)
Chris Horsfield northern class 150/2 destinations


We Are Northern class 156 reskin

Major Wales Design:

Ex Northern rail class 142 reskin


Associated requirements for the 3rd party content
South Wales coastal (for class 70)

* – Required or Recommended for the scenario to perform as intended

Please see the included scenario manual for installation instructions and more scenario information.

Scenario made by Bradley Langton / Langtonphotography