2B91 1638 Winchester to Bournemouth
11th January 20222B91 1638 Winchester to Bournemouth
Route: DTG South Western Mainline – Southampton to Bournemouth
Player Train: SWR (Ex-SWT) Class 450
Duration: 55 minutes
On a clear afternoon in early January take a SWR Class 450 Desiro on the first second part of its journey from St Denys to its destination of Bournemouth. I believe this is the only service each day which runs from St Denys Bournemouth and stops at St Denys and therefore covers the full length of the SWML in a westerly direction.
I have also made 2B60 which allows you to do the same journey on the same day but in the other direction
The scenario is based on what happened on 5/1/2022
All the AI and timings are based on what actually happened and where a service appears on Realtime trains’ Know your Train all Unit numbers are correct for the service on that day
DTG South Western Mainline – Southampton to Bournemouth (Steam)
DTG Portsmouth Direct Line – London Waterloo to Portsmouth (Steam) (For Class 444/450)
DTG Chatham Main Line or DTG Chatham Mainline & Medway Valley Lines or DTG Chatham Main Line: London Victoria & Blackfriars – Dover & Ramsgate (Steam) (For Class 377)
DTG Network SouthEast Class (Steam) (For Class 158)
Powerhaul Class 66 V2.0 Loco Add-On (Steam) (For Class 158)
AP Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
AP Class 375/377 Enhancement Pack
AP Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
JT Voyager Advanced 2019
SWR 444-450 Reskin Pack 1.5 by AzeezSim (Semaphore Simulations)
Superalbs Class 166 – Great Western Railway
I hope you enjoy the scenario and if you have any feedback it will be greatly apricated
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work