1D31 0624 Manchester Airport to Llandudno

1D31 0624 Manchester Airport to Llandudno

3rd August 2023 5 By 125intercity

In this scenario you shall be driving 175106 to Llandudno as far as Warrington Bank Quay where another driver shall be taking over, traffic seems relatively light so should be an easy run. Any issues or questions about the scenario please use the comment section below, any feedback is welcome. Enjoy

AP 800EP*
AP 158 Perkins EP*
AP 156*
AP 319*
AP 325 EP
AP 175 EP*
AP 150/1*
AP Weather 2.0
AP clouds

Chat Moss*
Class 185*
Clowes TFW class 158 reskin*
Class 323 Northern Rail

Cross city line

All dlcs marked with a * is essential for the scenario to function as intended.

Produced by 125intercity
Assistance and testing WelshyJim