Class 92 Dellner Patch (NON AP)
6th January 2024==========================================================================================================================================
Class 92 Dellner Mod (NON AP)
Does what it says on the Tin adds the Dellenr Coupler to the Class 92 Caledonian Sleeper Reskin pack from James Ivell
works quite nicely with the MK5 pack so it doesnt look as werid when the 2 are togther
Class 92
Class 37 VOl 1 (for Geo files)
Class 92 Caledonian Sleeper By James Ivell
In Game when placeing down in Scenarios L1 will have the Dellner prefix on the end just pick which one you would perfer
make sure that you tick the following to make sure this works
AP\Class 37
RSC\class 92
Thanks you to AP for allowing me to use the Dellner Coupler from the 37 pack
James Ivell for Allowing me to Use His 92 Calledonian Pack for the base for this
Jared Matt Murie Over on the ATS Facebook page for createing the Batch file to install this Patch
Copy the Asset folder into where you have TS installed
run the Batch file
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With Love from the NorthWest