1F10 An HST to Leicester
12th October 2023SCENARIO 1F10 HST to Leicester
Drive a Midland Mainline HST on a service from St Pancras to Leicester. The scenario is based on a 2007 working timetable with a few adjusdtments.
The scenario for the steam workshop route:
MML St Pancras to Leicester
The Steam workshop route and its dependencies.
Armstrong Powerhouse
AP_Sky_and_Weather_Enhancement_Pack – Original Pack
Just Trains
For Class 319 and freight ai, I have used stock supplied with the DTG St Pancras to Leicester route. I saw no reason to bloat the requirements for a 3 second glimpse of a passing train.
Clive Heard
Route and scenario author
In the cab move the reverser lever to forward (I use mouse) and cancel AWS. Then move the hud reverser lever to forward.
Don’t know about a red blob.
I cannot get the HST Class 43 to move in this scenario and a red blob on the dash will not extinguish!
Can anyone help with this issue?
Many thanks
Ian H
Think the red blob you are on about is the DRA need to press y to turn it off