1F07 06.25 Carmarthen – Portsmouth Harbour (2000)

1F07 06.25 Carmarthen – Portsmouth Harbour (2000)

2nd October 2019 0 By Matt Carroll

Under the ‘Alphaline’ brand, Wales & West operated many convenient through services from west Wales linking to Manchester, the south coast and the south west. This service, as well as providing a through link from west Wales to Portsmouth, is an important morning peak arrival in Cardiff. Today you are driving 158867 which carries a prototype for a new Wales & West livery, which ultimately was not adopted. You are in charge between Swansea and Bristol Temple Meads.

The following are required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly :

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Class 158 Cummins and Perkins enhancement packs (and associated requirements)
– Class 142 pack
– Class 150/2 pack
– Class 156 pack
– Class 37 pack volume 1
– Class 56 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– Class 66 enhancement pack (and associated requirements)
– HST Valenta and VP185 enhancement packs (and associated requirements)
– Mark 2A – 2C coach pack
– BAA/BZA wagon pack

* From STEAM :
– South Wales Coastal Bristol – Swansea route add-on https://store.steampowered.com/app/621928/Train_Simulator_North_Wales_Coastal_Crewe__Llandudno_Route_AddOn/
– Riviera Line route https://store.steampowered.com/app/222632/Train_Simulator_The_Riviera_Line_ExeterPaignton_Route_AddOn/
– EWS Class 67 loco add-on https://store.steampowered.com/app/208369/Train_Simulator_EWS_Class_67_Loco_AddOn/
– TS Marketplace Class 143 Provincial https://store.steampowered.com/app/275163/BR_Provincial_Sector_Class_143_Addon_Livery/

* From Major Wales Design https://www.major.wales/reskins/WB :
– Wales & West class 158 experimental livery

* From Just Trains
– Class 60 advanced loco pack https://www.justtrains.net/product/class-60-advanced

* From DP Simulation, by Richard Fletcher
– Class 143 Regional Railways Western Region Cardiff Canton https://dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72dmu.html

Optional Requirements
The following are NOT required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly, however they will add to the immersion.

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack.

* From Just Trains
– VGA wagon pack https://www.justtrains.net/product/vga-vka-wagon-pluspak
– Class 153 advanced https://www.justtrains.net/product/class-153-dmu-advanced
– Seacow wagon pack (also available as part of the Class 60 advanced + freight
wagons bundle) : https://www.justtrains.net/product/ygb-seacow-pluspak

* From Fastline Simulation
– 102t Class A bogie tankers http://www.fastline-simulation.co.uk/index.php/rolling-stock/78-102t-class-a-bogie-tank-wagon

Scenario run-through
This scenario should last around 125 minutes. Having taken over this train at Swansea you will drive as far as Bristol Temple Meads. You have booked stops at Neath, Port Talbot, Bridgend, Pencoed, Pontyclun, Cardiff Central, Severn Tunnel Jn, and Filton Abbey Wood. From Bridgend you will be following a Maesteg to Manchester Wales & West service, which has unit 158820 allocated. At this time, 158820 was known universally as ‘Damien’, as it was plagued with random electrical faults. Unfortunately for you, this seems to be the case today.

Big shout out to Major Wales for creating this class 158 reskin as it rekindles happy memories from my early railway career.

I do hope you enjoy this scenario.