[RS] 313063/313049 – 2V92 18:28 London Kings Cross – Welwyn G.C (2017)

[RS] 313063/313049 – 2V92 18:28 London Kings Cross – Welwyn G.C (2017)

28th June 2023 8 By 87002RS-John

Hello, this is one ‘standard’ scenario for the lovely ‘Kings Lynn to Kings Cross’ route from ATS.
Length: Approximately 45 minutes.

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

>Scenario Guide:
You begin this scenario at Kings Cross ready to work the next part of your diagram which, this evening, will see you work 2V92 the 18:28 to Welwyn Garden City using a pair of veteran class 313s, 313063 and 313049. Traffic is busy with the evening peak and the great rush to get away from the heart of the city in full flow, but your run isn’t expected to be affected this evening and so far, it’s been a smooth day on the southern section of the East Coast. A detailed manual with links to everything you need is included with the download:

Where applicable, the following do require *ALL* their listed dependencies to function correctly.

>Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack:
Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack:
Class 313 Electric Multiple Unit Pack:
Class 365 Enhancement Pack:
Class 377/379/387 Enhancement Pack:
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack 2.0 (Required to experience the intended weather):

>Alan Thomson Sim:
Kings Lynn – Kings Cross Route Add-on:
VTEC and LNER HST Reskin Pack:
Intercity 225 LNER/VTEC Reskin Pack:

>GU Studios:
Class 313 Great Northern Weathered Reskin:

That’s it for this one, I really hope you enjoy the drive. Please do feel free to leave feedback, questions, or any issues you may have via the download page on the website or via the ATS Facebook Group and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Look forward to hearing your comments as always.

>Update Log: None
>27/06/23 / Initial Release.

Take care, enjoy,
John (87002RS)