ECMLS & The Hertford Loop
29th February 2020This add on covers the missing piece of the ECML South (London to Peterborough). The requirements are briefly explained below:
- The East Coast Mainline London to Peterborough (Steam)
- West Coast Mainline North (Steam)
- Liverpool – Manchester (Steam)
- North London & The Goblin Lines (Steam)
- Portsmouth District Line (Steam)
- WCML South – Euston to Birmingham (Steam)
- Great Eastern Mainline – Ipswich to London Liverpool Street (Steam)
- South Western Mainline – Southampton to Bournemouth (Steam)
- The Wherry Lines – Norwich – Lowestoft – Great Yarmouth (Armstrong Powerhouse)
- Just Trains Common Library (MML or above Recommended)
- WCML Midlands & Northwest (AKA Missing Link)
- OHLE Pack (the latest version)
- Either (ATS Kings Cross – Kings Lynn/ECML Kings Cross-Leeds-York Merge/Peterborough-Cambridge Installed)
Hope you enjoy! It is essential that you please read the manual for further important info!
It is strongly recommended to have all requirements listed above, as missing assets will pop-up if this is the case.
- ATS Billboard Branding Patch
- ECML Moorgate Extension (GÜ Studios)
- Track Enhancement Pack (Armstrong Powerhouse)
Wait, what’s this route for? Doesn’t the Hertford loop already exist in ECMLS?
no the default ECMLS only contains the Track on the Hertford loop it has no scenary
Hi Matt. After driving the amazing Gemma, I realised I had never tried out this route of yours. I downloaded it, read the manual and had a look for that GuStudios 313 worn reskin that you’ve used in all your included scenarios, but I can’t find it anymore. Looks like he’s taken down his website and Google isn’t throwing up much. Any ideas?
The requirement of the Moorgate extension is also a hindrance now. While a free download, it’s missing and therefore something that might need to be worked out here. I have it somewhere; I have to make sure it’s safe now, but hopefully a new download can appear for it, like on the site here..
Check that, Moorgate is on BTS. https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/ecml-south-moorgate-extension.html
You might find the 313 there as well. Not sure as I have not run anything on this route yet. There are, however, two reskins here. See if those match? https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/multiple-units.html
hi, the route seems very corrupted at Watton at stone and other places. Lots of flickering / black and grey blocks and what looks like visible static making it impossible to see anything. I have all requirements and i have removed and reinstalled those required assets several times and still the same problem. Any ideas? im assuming corrupted assets but i have run out of ideas……
This issue was fixed a while back – please make sure you are using the latest version of this route by redownloading it. Secondly make sure you have the mandatory requirements. Thanks.
HI There, i found the issue, im missing DTG ‘NorthWalesCoast’ where the route takes assets from. I only have the newer version ‘NWC-CreweCaergybi’. Any idea where the old version can be found? I’m guessing it was available under TS2018.
I have milk bottles at one of the tunnels and no platforms at Cuffley.
I believe I have found a solution to this! You can just copy the file Assets\DTG\NWC-CreweCaergybi\NWC-CreweCaergybiAssets.ap to Assets\DTG\NorthWalesCoast\NorthWalesCoast.ap and Cuffley gets platforms again
Correction to my previous comment: extract the ap file from the new version of North Wales Coastal and copy …/Scenery/Platforms to …/Assets/NorthWalesCoastal
Don’t copy anything else or else the sky issue comes back!
Ah, it also needs the Environment folder added to Assets/NorthWalesCoastal or else there’s issues with tunnel occlusion
Apologies for all the comment spam, I spent the last few days trying to figure this out. Hope this is helpful to someone
Forthought you are a genius, thank you so much.
I have been trying to download the moorgate Extension from GU studios and i go into the site and i don’t find alot
Hi, The Moorgate extension is available now from Backdated Trainsim
OK, I Downloaded The Map, And I Loaded This In The Scenario Editor, And I Found Out That All Of The Stations In The Hertford Loop Were Completely Filled With Milk Bottles And Also Includes Peterborough Station As Well. I Need Help Getting Rid Of The Milk Bottles And Fix This Issue.
I also have this problem. Milk bottles everywhere! On the platforms, missing bridges and missing tunnels. I have every requirement installed, so I have no clue how to fix this issue.
milk bottles relate to missing requirements that the route needs to function. Please obtain/reinstall them where needed. Thanks.
Very good looking Route Extension, but the Quick Drive Scenarios seem to be broken. I can’t select a Start or Destination Point.
Please Help!
The route does not support quick drive functionality, there maybe an update in future but not on the priority list.
Thank you for this very useful missing piece !
I have only one issue : plaforms are missing at Cuffley. The only reason I could see is if it was from Cambridge-Peterborough, which I don’t own (but in this case the requirements list is wrong).
Glad to see I’m not the only one with the missing platforms at Cuffley. It caught me by surprise when I arrived at the station during a scenario on the route, and made me concerned I was missing one of the requirements (but I’m pretty certain I have all of them). Hopefully the author can address this in the near future.
Other than that, this is a fantastic route and a great addition to complete the southern ECML 🙂
Looks good. Enjoyable to play and great to have the Hertford Loop added and should have great “playability” but has its issues. Can’t play on Quick Drive as has no options for a start point or a destination. The 717 scenario starts with the unit in the wrong mode and The 66 scenario fails due to an AI consist error.
Hi, i have the same problem with no destination or departure points showing up in quick drive.
Hi, I need some help with the depart and destination points on the quick drive please?