The Full Belmond British Pullman Pack. V1.62
12th March 2021This is my attempt to recreate the whole fleet of coaches used by Belmond for their prestigious British Pullman which is commonly found around south England – however has ventured elsewhere. It features the fleet of Pullman coaches with the correct names as well as the support coaches found on either end of them – including Generator Mk1 6313, BSK 99545 and Mk2 BSO 9502.
With this I have included an updated Support Coach for 35028 ‘Clan Line’ from Bossman Games, with the textures changed to fit more with the rake as well as the newer AP Sounds. With this there are versions of ‘Mercator’ and the Pullman 67’s 021 + 024 to match the stock better – as well as new 67’s in the latest livery (with a logo change).
Finally is a small inclusion of 35028 in her 2011 guise as 35017 ‘Belgian Marine’ along with 3 Quick Drive Consists including the full rake with either 35028/35017 or the Pullman 67’s.
The requirements for this is quite extensive, so I’ve split them into each part of this pack, they are as follows:
35017: Bossman Games Merchant Navy
Class 67: DTG EWS Class 67 + AP Class 67 Enhancement Pack
Mercator: Bossman Games Merchant Navy + AP Mk2A-C Coach Pack
Mk2 BSO 9502: AP Mk2D-F Coach Pack
Mk1 6313 & 99545: AP Mk1 Coach Pack Vol. 1
Pullmans: Matrix Trains Pullman Cars – BR Era Set 1 FIRST CLASS + AP Mk1 Coach Pack Vol. 1
After a while I’ve finally learnt batch file creating, so these are now included to make life easier, if one of them fails though please let me know – and if there are any issues overall then feel free to enquire and I will do my best to help!
With all that I hope it all goes smoothly and I hope you enjoy using the rake!
V1.10: Altered Texture on BSK as there was a slight inaccuracy.
V1.20: Edited Read Me to add a missing instruction that was stopping the Pullman’s loading.
V1.30: Made Altered 67 a seperate asset to avoid texture replacing problem.
V1.40: Roof texture on BG altered, BSK Texture altered, Quick Drive Consists Added.
V1.41:Edited Read Me to add a missing instruction that was causing a missing texture for ‘Mercator’.
V1.50: New Logo 67’s added, with QD’s to suit (Light Engine and T ‘n’ T the Pullmans).
V1.60: Added Batch Files to make the installation process easier.
V1.61: Fixed a .bat file as it couldn’t find the destination (Added an unnecessary Space Bar!)
V1.62: Made the Pullman’s have Air Brakes alongside the Mk1/2’s.
Hi, the batch files aren’t working for me. I will try and sort that issue out but what files would I manually need to drag over in order for the reskins to appear in game?
I decided to do a Quick Drive with this train but using the Class 68 vice 67 from Dover to London.
But the Train Brakes do not work. At Dover the train is on a rising gradient and the train slowly moves backwards with a Full Brake application on the loco. Having departed Dover I’m ok until a few miles outside Canterbury where the line speed drops to 60 then 40 thru the station. With the brakes showing 3.8 bar I’m still at 70mph plus at the 60 board and 60 odd thru Canterbury.
I think the stock is the problem
I believe the Stock is Vacuum Only so you cannot use an Air Only loco
A quick check in the *.bin files for the stock and it is set up as Vacuum Only.
Ah right, obviously missed that when I originally created these. Just out of curiosity where in the .bin files do I look to rectify this? Cheers in advance and apologies you’ve had issues with them!
Hopefully I’ve managed to sort that now, thanks for flagging it up!
Tried to recreate your scenario (albeit with a 67 rather than 68) and managed to actually stop in the platform at Canterbury East having passed the 60mph board at 60 as well. Please let me know if possible if this works for you as well 🙂
(And apologies it didn’t work to begin with!)
I have downloaded this reskin and installed it as per the instructions in the read me. However, I cannot get the Pullman carriages to load in game. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, love this pack. If you’d like I can write a batch file for this pack, I’ve gotten quite into it recently.
Sorry I’ve took so long to respond – but funnily enough I too have been getting into batch file writing as of recent – and you may be happy to hear they are now included 🙂
Cheers for the offer to do them for me though!
I tried this and managed to geet the Merchant navy class reskin, but followed the instructions and the other textures wouldnt wor for me , can you assist ?
That’s odd that none of the coaches are working, in what way is this so? (Not showing at all/invisible when placed etc.)
does this have quick drive sets included? cheers 🙂
Unfortunately my attempts to include quick drive consists didn’t end well – to which I’m sorry to say there aren’t any included. Apologies for that!
In case you are interested still I have recently learnt how to create them successfully 🙂 3 Quick Drive Consists are now included with the pack.
Im not sure if its something im doing wrong but i cant find this path
problem solved
I’m having an issue with them in the scenario editor – I have everything but the Pullmans showing. They do not let me place any down when editing a scenario. I believe I have followed the instructions correctly as everything else has worked! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Interesting, have you ticked the box for the Matrix Trains Pullman’s? I’ll have a look myself now and see if I can find them.
Just had a look, and I got them to appear in the creation of a standard scenario by ticking ‘Matrix Trains -> MT-Pullman-K-Steel-BR-Set1’.
Does this help at all?
I have ticked it, and they do appear in the rolling stock selection, but it doesn’t let me place anything down. I can place the standard Pullmans, just not your reskinned ones.
Ah right. I fully believe you’ve done it but to be sure all the geo files in the original folder of Pullman’s has been copied over and the Mk1 audio has as well? Just to make sure.
All the geo files, and the AP MK1 audio folder too. I’ve reinstalled the Pullmans, and the reskin too but to no avail.
Interesting, I just went and installed it myself and they worked as intended. Do you use Facebook Messenger at all as it may be easier to solve this issue via that. Apologies you are having these problems!
No need to apologise! I’m indeed on messenger, my name on Facebook is the same as it is on here. (I’ve liked your post in the ATS group on fb so you should be able to easily find me!)