[RS] 1B69 1745 Nottingham – St. Pancras (2020)

[RS] 1B69 1745 Nottingham – St. Pancras (2020)

10th August 2020 6 By 87002RS-John

Take two of EMR’s latest additions (43238/43307) from outside Bedford through to London on a beautiful summer’s evening in July 2020. This scenario is based on actual events and all unit numbers and formations are taken directly from the records of that days allocations and are accurate. The scenario should last around 50 minutes. Be alert for cautionary signals at some points on your run south. Sit back and enjoy the lovely evening drive.

Extract the content folder from within the zip file and copy to your Railworks Install. Also included is a comprehensive Readme with lots of information about the scenario. Please read this *FIRST*.

Requirements marked with a (*) are essential to the basic functionality of the scenario. All the rest are required for the scenario to have the desired immersion for the player.

MML Bedford – St. Pancras – Steam Store*:
European Loco & Asset Pack – Steam Store*:
Brighton Mainline: (Required for ATS 700) – Steam Store:
London – Faversham High Speed – Steam Store: (For the 395)

Just Trains:
Class 222 Advanced – Just Trains:

Armstrong Powerhouse:
MTU Enhancement Pack*:
VP185 Enhancement Pack*:
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack:

Alan Thomson Sim:
VTEC &LNER 125 Pack V1.1*: (Essential you have version updated 05/07/20)

Alan Thomson Simulation

Ex-LNER (East Midlands Railway) HSTs v1.1*:

Alan Thomson Simulation

ATS Desiro City Pack 700/707/717:

Alan Thomson Simulation

Vulcan Productions:
EMT 11 Years & EMR/Unbranded VP185 Pack V1.1 Released 23/08/19*:

That’s it for this scenario. I would love to get some feedback from you be it good or bad about this scenario to help me produce improved content moving forward. Get in touch with me here in the comments section or via the ATS Facebook Group. Happy driving!

Kind Regards