Peterborough to King’s Cross Semi Fast (With announcements)

Peterborough to King’s Cross Semi Fast (With announcements)

3rd May 2020 5 By stelepe

Set in the transition period from First Capital Connect to Great Northern, this scenario puts you at the helm of a 4 car Class 365. Today’s job is to drive the Peterborough to King’s Cross semi fast service, all stations to Stevenage then non stop to Finsbury Park and finally King’s Cross.

This scenario features train announcements, these can best be heard in the cab. PLEASE NOTE, I am aware that some announcements play louder and quieter than others, all audio files are the same volume, it seems to be something with Train Sim that causes it. I’m not sure why it does it but it does :/

I hope you enjoy my scenario.

Armstrong Powerhouse Class 313 pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 321 pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 365 Enhancement pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 91 Enhancement pack
DTG Class 91 Pack02
RSC Class 91 Addon

All extra stock and branding patches must be installed for above AP products.