North East England – Freight Operations Pack 01

North East England – Freight Operations Pack 01

5th June 2020 0 By Peter Morris

This scenario pack follows the real life timetable of the respected headcode. All dates, are around late May and early June. All scenarios have been utilized to portray realistic movements and information. Weather, is accurate, due to the close proximity to when these scnearios were made, to the actual date, that the respected headcode departed / arrived. All scenarios have been made using real life photos, took of the same service, and that were taken by myself to ensure, that service that is displayed in game, is that you would have seen in real life.

This scenario pack was originally going to be payware, but as I had messed up, and had it released for free, this scenario package will now be available free of charge.

Scenario Requirements (Also Situated within the read me file):

Armstrong Powerhouse Class 158 Cummmins
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 156
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 66 Enhancment Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Class 60 Sound Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Wagon (Modern) Sound Pack
Armstrong Powerhouse Weather Enhancement Pack

Just Trains Voyager 2019
Just Trains Class 60

UK Train Sim Wagon Pack 01

Fuler Simulations Class 185

Maritime & PD Ports Class 66s
Class 66 LED Headlights

DPSimulations North East England
DP Simulations Colas 60 Livery
DP Simulations HTA EWS Livery
DPSimulations FEA Container Flat ‘British Gypsum’

Settle to Carlisle
Class 66 (All Versions)
Class 159
Class 156
Class 220

Manual: Please copy and paste the following into your internet browser:

Scenario Information:
Name of Scenario: 0D63 1246 Tyne Coal Terminal Gbrf to Doncaster Down Decoy Gbrf
Route: NEE England
Stock: Class 66 / Class 60
Route Covered: Hartlepool to Northallerton Jn
Description: Take a Class 66 (dragging a Colas 60) in GBRf New Lights from just outside Hartlepool to Northallerton East Jn.
Briefing: Hello Driver, you are currently situated just ouside of Hartlepool. You are incharge of 0D63 – A stock movement as far as Northallerton East Junction
Starting Point: Hartlepool
Creator: Peter.Morris
Year: 2020
Weather: Clear
Length: 60

Name of Scenario: 1Q35 1320 Derby R.T.C.(Network Rail) to Heaton T&R.S.M.D.
Route: North East England (DP Simulations)
Stock: Class 67
Route Covered: Longlands Jn – Hartlepool
Description: Take a Class 67 (111B) hauling 4 MK3 coaches, on a Network Rail Test Train.
Briefing: Operate 111B (Class 67 in Colas Railfreight Livery) from Longlands Jn to Hartlepool. This service is set on 30/05/20.
Starting Point: Longlands Junction (NTR Underpass)
Creator: Peter.Morris
Year: 2020
Weather: Clear
Length: 50

Name of Scenario: 4l78 1451 Tees Dock (Flt) to Felixstowe North F.L.T.
Route: North East England (DP Simulations)
Stock: Class 66
Route Covered: Middlesbrough to Darlington Up Sidings
Description: Operate 66571 on a Weekday service from just outside Middlesbrough to Darlington Sidings.
Briefing: Hello Driver! This afternoon, you are incharge of 4L78 – The 15:50 departure from South Bank Tees Dock to Felixstowe North Terminal. This service is via Darlington (DAR).
Starting Point: Middlesbrough East Jn
Creator: Peter.Morris
Year: 2020
Weather: Rain / Fog
Length: 30

Name of Scenario: 6N20 1754 Drax Aes (Gbrf) to Tyne Coal Terminal Gbrf
Route: North East England (DP Simulations)
Stock: Class 60
Route Covered: York North Yard to Hartlepool
Description: 60085 has failed at York, and you have been drafted in to help.
Briefing: Hello Driver, the loco behind (60085) has failed upon arrival to York. You have been brought in to help, and tow the stranded service. You will be now taking 6N20 as far as Hartlepool, on 6N20 to Tyne Coal Terminal.
Starting Point:
Creator: Peter.Morris
Year: 2020
Weather: Clear
Length: 90

Name of Scenario: 4E27 1255 Hotchley Hill (East Leake) to Middlesbrough Dawson Gbrf
Route: North East England (DP Simulations)
Stock: AP Class 66
Route Covered: York North Yard to Thornaby East Junction (TABYEJN)
Description: You are tasked with delivering empy gypsum containers from York Yard to TABYEJN (Thornaby East Junction)
Briefing: Hello Driver! This afternoon, you are incharge of 4E27, with a cargo of empty gypsum wagons from York, to Thornaby East Jn, just left of Thornaby Station. Enjoy the run driver, it is expected to be a quiet one, and a faultless run.
Starting Point: York Yard
Creator: Peter.Morris
Year: 2020
Weather: Cloudy
Length: 90

I hope you enjoy these scenarios as much as I did making them.
Peter 🙂