Intercity Mk3 Sleepers
20th October 2021Created to be used in WTT Scenarios’ Pack 5, these Intercity Mk3 Sleepers have now been released for general use. These can be used in subware and payware scenarios.
How to Install
Extract all (bar the manual) to Railworks from within the zip to your Railworks Directory, commonly found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Railworks (though yours may differ!)
Run the included batch file from your Railworks folder “Install_ICSMk3Sleeper.bat”
How to place down in a Scenario
Enable the following filters:
Find the coaches in the list.
What’s included?
6 variants of Mk3 Sleeper.
Mk3a SLE IC (Early 90s). No cant rail stripe, old style OHLE flash, no CDL.
Mk3a SLE IC (Late 90s) Cant rail stripe, new style OHLE flash, CDL.
Mk3a SLE IC (Late 90s UB). As per Late 90s, but without INTERCITY wording.
Mk3a SLEP IC (Early 90s). No cant rail stripe, old style OHLE flash, no CDL.
Mk3a SLEP IC (Late 90s) Cant rail stripe, new style OHLE flash, CDL.
Mk3a SLEP IC (Late 90s UB). As per Late 90s, but without INTERCITY wording.
WCML Over Shap
Armstrong Powerhouse Mk3 Coach Sound Pack
James Ivell’s Caledonian Sleeper Mk3s
This reskin was created by Clowes
Thanks to BodgeItTMD for use of some Child Objects
Thanks to James Ivell for allowing use of his excellent Mk3 Sleeper additions
Looked like a successful install, but I have a bogus running number of “43210” showing on all vehicles, but on the red stripe, in addition to the proper 10xxx number showing in the correct spot.
Anyone else seen that? Know of a fix?
batch file doesnt open when clicked on tried change the syntax like suggested by graham wallace
any support on this?
The batch file is not right. I had to change the conditional GOTO statements like the following syntax to force a successful install:
GOTO (FindGeomod)
(GOTO FindGeomod)
I had to make the change to the GOTO FindGeomod, GOTO FoundGeomod and GOTO FoundCSleeper statements.
Would the OHLE warning flash have been the modern style on this livery?
Been over a year since I gathered the reference – believe so. Old style flashes are also included in the pack.
Just a headsup, the “James Ivell’s Caledonian Sleeper Mk3s” link is linked to the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 377/379/387 Enhancement Pack.
Thanks for pointing this out, has now been amended.
Nice one lads will be using this. Thank you
I’m not convinced the batch file is executing as it should.
The batch file is not right. I had to change the conditional GOTO statements like the following syntax to force a successful install:
GOTO (FindGeomod)
(GOTO FindGeomod)
I had to make the change to the GOTO FindGeomod, GOTO FoundGeomod and GOTO FoundCSleeper statements.