(GR) 1F01 1020 Leicester To York
25th February 2021Good Morning Driver. This service has had so far good run.In this run you will be In charge charge of 1F01 the 10:20 East Midlands Railway Service From Leicester To York .You will be driving a Class 222 formed of 5 coaches.in this part of scenario you will be calling at: Loughborough, East Midlands Parkway, Long Eaton, Derby, Chesterfield , and Sheffield, Where you will be relieved. Traffic isn’t bad here at Leicester so it should be good run into Sheffield.Enjoy Journey
Midland Main Line: Sheffield-Derby-Nottingham- Leicester * (all Indepencies Extension)
Class 170EP* – Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 220EP- Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack*-Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 43 (Valenta)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack*-Armstrong Powerhouse (NonAI)
DTG Class 180 “Adelante” Pack (Steam)
Class 222 Advanced 2019- Just Trains
Class 91EP* – Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 47EP*- Armstrong Powerhouse
Class 156EP*- Armstrong Powerhouse
Train Simulator: Network Southeast Class 47 Loco Add-On
Class 90 GEML Pack (Steam)
Class 90 + MK3 DVT (AP)
Class 90 Freightliner (AP)
GEML Class 90 (Steam)
European Loco & Asset Pack (Steam)
Class 43 (VP185) Enhancement Pack (AP)
Class 180 Revamp Pack
EMR 170-222 Reskin Pack 1.1 – By AzeezSim (https://semaphoresim.com/file/56-emr-170-222-reskin-pack/)
InterCity 225 LNER/VTEC Pack-BH Reskins
D.A.T.S.- Major Wales
Class 156 EMR- Major wales
Virgin Trains MK3 ‘Pretendolino’ Pack- Major Wales
AP AGA livery (was included with some stock packs)
Class 43 Revamp Pack (MJW)
Please also make sure you have all the associated assets for the Armstrong Powerhouse products
Whilst I have thoroughly tested this scenario using the 64bit version of TS2020, I will not be held responsible for damage to computers, or software corruption whilst installing and running this scenario.
Please do not upload, or distribute to other sites without my prior permission. Any Question Feel free to ask without any hesitation.