6M83 Ipswich to Ditton BOC tanks PART THREE
13th February 20196M83 Part 3:
A continuation of the class 56 hauled BOC tank train from Willesden to Rugby.
Rolling Stock Used in 6M83 Part 3
AP BRMk2Pack01
AP Class321Pack01
AP JHAWagonPack01 UKTS 34341
AP_Waggonz Class313Pack01 + NL 313 pack Backdated Trainsim
AP_Waggonz Class90Pack
AP_Waggonz MK3DVT
DTG BRBluePack01
DTG BRBluePack02
DTG VirginPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\Class47476 Backdated Trainsim
DTG VirginPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\Class47575
DTG VirginPack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\Class47562
FastlineSimulation 102t Class A Tank\RailVehicles\VP_BOC Vulcan Productions Rfletcher wagons
JustTrains Cargowaggon
JustTrains Class60
JustTrains VGA
Keithmross WCML2
Keithmross WCMLNorth
Newbouy Addon\RailVehicles\Freight\TPOCoaches\BR Blue Grey Weathered\Coach\nsxCoach.bin
RSC Class31Pack02
RSC Class37Pack01
RSC Class56Pack01_RFSectors
RSC Class86Pack\RailVehicles\Electric\Class86\Class 86 86101 IC www.alanthomsonsim.com
RSC Class86Pack\RailVehicles\Electric\Class86\Class 86 86103 IC www.alanthomsonsim.com
RSC Class86Pack\RailVehicles\Electric\Class86\Parcels 86419 UKTS 30529
RSC Class86Pack\RailVehicles\Electric\Class86\RES\Engine\Class86_res_nd.bin
RSC Class86Pack\RailVehicles\Electric\Class86-DH\86260 34508
RSC Class87Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\Default\Engine\Class87_Intercity Vulcan Productions
RSC Class87Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\Class87\ICS_Early\Engine\Class87_ICSwallow Vulcan Production
RSC LiverpoolManchester
RScott LondonTransport Virtual District Line
SHG Class58Pack01
Don’t know if anyone else managed to find a link for the newbuoy tpo coaches in this scenario but every time i search the internet I get zilch. Can you please help people out here for this reskin?
[email protected]
sorry for the delayed response. If you’ve got the AP MK1 pack I do intend to replace them soon.
I am missing the repaint of d78 stock of which LTB1 and LTB2 repaints.
Here is the detailed Railworks\Assets\RScott\LondonTransport\RailVehicles\Electric\LT1973Refurb\LTB1 and LTB2
Where can I find that repaint?
Thanks in advance.
might have been one that came with the Virtual District Route at the time I released the scenario. I’ll keep looking and give you a heads up. It’s not Critical cause you’ll not see it unless you pass a certain point at a certain time.
Hello, did you find a way to get them? Don’t seem to be in the current version of the VDL.
Anything tube related isn’t really that essential as it does not affect the player or other AI 🙂
could anyone point me in the direction of the newbuoy tpo coaches please
Many thanks Matthew for doing this scenario. Yes, the route is a work of art, but well thought out scenarios like this bring the route to life.
I did have troubles starting the scenario as consist FLX1 was flagged up with an unknown error and invalid consist. There was also a broken consist warning which I presumed was the same problem. I had a play in the editor with this consist and all was good.
Glad you enjoyed it Richard. I’ve played it a couple of times since I uploaded it and the FLX1 consist was ok, unsure about that one. 🙂