[FICTIONAL] Class 319 South West Trains Livery Pack
22nd January 2020I’ve been meaning to upload this to here for a while, so here it is…
Reskin of the Class 319/0 into a fictional transition livery Thameslink White with SWT logo and red doors + South West Trains Blue.
To use this reskin, you must own the Armstrong Powerhouse Class 319 pack – if you do not own this pack
the reskin will not appear in the game.
Note: This is a fictional livery application
I do not accept any responsibility for any damage to your installation or PC which results from the download
and/or installation of this reskin
This reskin required Armstrons Powerhouse’s Class 319 Pack Vol 1, which is available from www.armstrongpowerhouse.com
How to Install
Unzip the file to a temporary location.
1. Go to your Railworks folder, typically located here: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common
2. Drag and drop the ‘Assets’ folder into your Railworks folder
3. Go to: Assets\AP\Class319Pack01\RailVehicles\Electric\Class 319\TLWhite
4. Copy the .GeoPcDx files from the DTSO, MSO, TSOL, TSOL_PRM and place them into the respective
folders within ‘SWTWhite’
5. Repeat the process to for the SWTBlue livery
6. Delete Blueprints.pak
There’s no preload files on this reskin.
I forgot about them, sorry about that… i’ll see about updating it to include them when I get some time