[CH] 1E23 13:33 Carlisle – Leeds (23/09/04)

[CH] 1E23 13:33 Carlisle – Leeds (23/09/04)

7th December 2020 5 By 45596 Bahamas

Loco-hauled service trains made a welcome return to the Settle-Carlisle line in October 2003 following the introduction of a daily Class 37-hauled return service between Leeds and Carlisle. Operated by Arriva Trains Northern, the service ran until the end of the summer timetable in September 2004.

This scenario, in 37408, is based on the DVD ‘The Long (Short) Drag’ where Locomaster Profiles were allowed permission to film and document a cab ride onboard the 1E23 from Carlisle all the way to Leeds on the 23rd of September, 2004.

Great care has been taken with this scenario in that all ‘W’ boards are in correct places as well as track workers and TSRs (TSRs do not apply to you though)

You take the train from Carlisle as far as Settle, your booked timings are here:

Carlisle (13:33)
Appleby (14:09/14:10)
Kirkby Stephen (14:23/14:24)
Settle (15:00)

AP Class 37 Vol. 1
AP Class 156
AP Class 142
AP Class 66 Enhancement Pack
AP Mk2D-F Coach
AP HHA Wagon
AP Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack (Not necessary, but recommended!)
DTG Settle – Carlisle
JT Class 220/221 Advanced

Any issues with this scenario, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.