The Lakelander – 34046

The Lakelander – 34046

19th November 2021 0 By stephen bell

In this scenario you will be driving 34046 Braunton from Grayrigg Goods Loop to Carlisle.You are in charge of
a Saphos Trains Charter from Rugby to Carlisle via Shap on the outward journey and via the Cumbrian Coast on the return journey.

You will need the following:

WCML over Shap
Welsh Marches Line (Unbranded)
WCML South
NSE Class 159

Armstrong Powerhouse
MK1 Coach Pack Vol 1
Mk2D-F Coach Pack
Class 156 Diesel Multiple Unit Pack
Class 158(Cummins) Enhancement Pack

Alan Thomson Sim
Chat Moss

Bossman Games
BR Rebuilt West Country

Backdated Train Sim
Armstrong Powerhouse Locomotive Services Ltd. Mk2 Pack

Major Wales Design
Class 390 Revamp Pack