SP: 6Y78 – 12:00 Angerstein Wharf – Tonbridge West Yard

SP: 6Y78 – 12:00 Angerstein Wharf – Tonbridge West Yard

4th March 2021 5 By Sami Pitfield

In this scenario take 37 220 on a rake of JHA wagons on it’s last part of its journey. Going from just outside Gravesend into Tonbridge yard. Set in the summer of 1997.

This scenario is 60 minutes long and has an easy difficulty.


Chatham Mainline Route Addon.
Medway Valley Route Extension.
WCML Over Shap Route Addon.
Class 465 EMU Addon.
Class 31 Loco Addon (Not Required).
Class 33 Loco Addon (Not Required).
Class 56 Loco Addon.
MKS Class 460/73 Pack.
Class 08 Loco Addon.
Class 423 EMU Addon.
European Loco & Asset Pack.


Class 37 Loco Pack VOL1.
Class 37 Loco Pack VOL2.
Class 31 EP (Not Required).
Class 56 EP.
Class 465/466 EP.
Class 319 EMU Pack VOL2.
Class 411 EMU Pack.
Class 33 Sound Pack (Not Required).
Class 422/422/423 Sound Pack (Discontinued).
Class 47 Sound Pack (Not Required).
MK1 Coach Pack VOL1 (Not Required).
JHA Wagon Pack (Extra Stock & Branding Patch).
4 Wheel Wagon Sound Pack (Not Required But Recommended).
JNA – C Wagon Pack (Not Required).
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack (Not Required).
Weather & Sky EP Pack (Not Required But Recommended).
Track EP (Not Required But Recommended).

Just Trains:

JT VGA/VKA Wagon Pack (Not Required).


Vulcan Productions Class 73 Reskin Pack.
Vulcan Productions Class 56 Reskin/Texture Pack.

A lot of stuff may be (Not Required But Recommended) or (Not Required) because there are a lot of static consists in this scenario and these things are needed to make up the scenario to make it more realistic.

INSTALLATION: I have changed the way to install my scenarios. All you need to do is extract the Content folder and drop it into you Railworks directory and you’ll be good to go!

This is my first scenario on the lines around Chatham so any feedback would be well appreciated : )

And as always if I am missing any requirements please let me know.