[RS] 185116 – 1P35 1717 Manchester Airport – Newcastle (2018)

[RS] 185116 – 1P35 1717 Manchester Airport – Newcastle (2018)

9th October 2021 13 By 87002RS-John

>Hello, this is one ‘standard’ scenario for the “East Coast Mainline North East” route from DP Simulations.
>Length: Approx. 80 mins.

To install, simply extract the .zip file using whichever software you have and copy the ‘Content’ folder to your RailWorks install “usually” found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

>Scenario Guide:
You begin this scenario waiting for a platform outside York. You are in charge of 1P35 through to Newcastle this evening making two scheduled calls on your way. It has been another hectic day on the East Coast so there are a few late running trains still around after the evening peak. Hopefully this doesn’t cause you too much delay but do keep an eye on your signals. Whilst waiting for your signal to clear at Holgate get yourself set up and ready to move into York as soon as you get the road. A detailed manual with links to everything you need is included with the download.

These do require *ALL* their listed dependencies to function correctly.

>*Essential Route + all associated requirements*
DPS East Coast Mainline North East (the website version, not from the Steam Workshop):

WCML Trent Valley:
EWS Class 66 V2:
FS YQA Parr Wagon Pack:

>Armstrong Powerhouse:
Class 37 Locomotive Pack Vol.1:
Class 43 (MTU)/Mk3 Enhancement Pack:
Class 66 Enhancement Pack:
Class 67 Enhancement Pack:
Class 68 Enhancement Pack:
Class 91/Mk4 Enhancement Pack:
Class 156 Multiple Unit Pack:
Mk1 Coach Pack Vol.1:
BAA/BZA Wagon Pack:
JNA-C Wagon Pack:
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack (Recommended):

>Alan Thomson Sim:
ATS/Imbue Studios Class 185 Multiple Unit Pack:
VTEC and LNER HST Reskin Pack:
Intercity 225 LNER/VTEC Reskin Pack:
Class 220/221 (JT) Updated Consists:

>Just Trains:
Voyager Advanced 2019:
JJA Autoballaster PlusPak Advanced:

>DP Simulation:
East Coast Mainline North East Route Add-on:
FKA (Megafret) Repaint Pack:

>Major Wales Design:
Class 43 Revamp Pack:

>My other creations can be found here: https://alanthomsonsim.com/shop/87002rs

That’s it for this one, I really hope you enjoy the drive. Please do feel free to leave feedback, questions, or any issues via the download page on the website or via the ATS Facebook Group and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Look forward to hearing your comments, enjoy.

Take care, John (87002RS)