Chiltern Gd+HVO 68
18th May 2024The striking Gd+HVO livery adorned by 68014, complete with relevant decals (aside from the naff OHLE flashes on the front)
What’s Included?
68014 Reskin
1 PreLoad: AP Class 68 (EP) – Chiltern HVO
ScotRail Class 68
AP Class 68 Enhancement Pack
ATS Class 68 Visual Additions
A manual is included with the full pack details and instructions you need, please read it carefully!
BodgeItTMD – Child objects
19/05/2024 2125 | V1.01 Improved reliability of decals not clipping with invisible ScotRail decals. Requires redownload and reinstall.
Hi, not sure if i’ve done something wrong but installing this pack makes all the Class 68’s cause the game to freeze on the loading screen when trying to load any scenario / QD. I’ve tested with a clean install (with only the requirements installed) and after installing this pack, the freeze happens on the loading screen. Removing the reskin files causes it to start working again. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.