Goldeneye Soviet Mk1 Coaches
22nd January 2021Requirements: European Loco and Asset Pack – Available from Steam
Go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\Kuju\RailSimulator\RailVehicles\Passenger\Mk1SK
Extract the .zip folder. (The Download)
1- Copy and paste the ‘Default’ file.
2- Now rename ‘Default – Copy’, ‘goldeneye’
3- Copy the ‘Assets’ folder from the download and paste it into your RailWorks directory.
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks/
4- Go into Train Simulator 2021, and go to Setting/Tools/Clear Cache
5- Clear the cache. Train Simulator 2021 should restart.
6- The reskins should be successfully installed!
This Reskin was made by Class43Harrison
Instagram: @class43harrison
YouTube: Class43Harrison
My reskins also feature on Alan Thomson Simulation, UKTrainSim and, of course, my website. 😀
I accept no responsibility if anything goes wrong with your device or RailWorks. Hopefully everything should be ok. 😀
The Mk1SK is ownership/property of Dovetail Games (DTG) / Kuju
This reskin is ownership of Class43Harrison. It must NOT be used in any payware items. Thank You. 😀
Stay Safe. 😊
The files, and this ReadMe file was written by Class43Harrison on Friday 22nd January 2021. (13:12pm GMT)
For best use of these coaches, get the VP Goldeneye Class 20 reskin:
Class 20188 – Golden eye Movie Livery