(GB) 17:42 6Z84 Brandon Down Goods Loop – Kings Lynn T.C.
14th May 2024Date: 10th May 2024
Traction: Class 56 56098 & 56103
Route : Kings Cross Kings Lynn (Ely Freight Loop to Kings Lynn)
Today you are at the helm of double grids, being 56103 and 56098. 56103 recently being returned to service by DCR after a few months out of service at Leicester, so just in case anything breaks 56098 (hired in from GBRf) is here to assist.
*Ealons GBRF Wagons
Alan Thomson Sim:
*Kings Cross Kings Lynn
Armstrong Powerhouse:
*Class 56 EP
Class 158 EP (Cummins)
Class 377/379/387 EP
Any Chatham Mainlines
NSE Class 159
Train Sim Community:
*DCR Freight Class 56’s Reskin
*3DZUK Ealnos-Blue with VTG logo
Electrostar Weathering Pack (not needed but enhanced the 387’s)
Vulcan Productions:
*GBRF Class 56 Farewell Reskins
(*) Required for the scenario to work
Very enjoyable scenario, Thank you.
Nice scenario.