Class 90 Direct Rail Services

Class 90 Direct Rail Services

31st July 2022 0 By Bodge It TMD

Direct Rail Services 90. It’s not though, it’s DB’s. Weird how a FOC with no electric locos can tender for and win a contract that needed an electric loco, even though they had to borrow one. (88s didn’t exist back then and may not have been right for the work involved). Didn’t last that long, is still blue, and currently looks like a borrowed loco for DB not from DB. Silly.
Side note is the moon looked nice the night I wrote this. Oh, and this one has LED tail lights. EWS put them in for reasons I don’t know why. Might blame DRS for it though.

What’s Included?
– DRS and DB branded variants
– Ex-works and weathered variants
– Improved head/marker light appearance
– LED tail lights
and more!

– AP: Class 90/MK3 DVT Pack

– A detailed manual is included with the full pack details and instructions you need, please read it carefully!

– Clowes – Created many lovely vectors for many lovely things, did some scripting bits, tested everything, probably something else I’ve forgotten (we’ve spent months doing 90 stuff, it’s hard to remember it all!)