[CB] Brighton Mainline Scenario Revamp Project (1/2)

[CB] Brighton Mainline Scenario Revamp Project (1/2)

16th September 2020 0 By CrankyBot

Brighton Mainline (London to Brighton) was released 7th June 2012 and was the first route to have some proper electrification units within the UK based routes. 8 years on it was time the scenarios that came with the route had a refresh. Entails is the first six (out of twelve) scenarios summing up to 3 hours and 45 minutes. Not only does it mean newer generation of enhancements but I’ve also taken extra courtesy to add in some cool features (see below).

~ Updated AI assets through newer generation of DLC and third-party enhancements.
~ Extended start durations to allow for in-cab set-up procedures (GSM-R & TMS).
~ Additional AI services to “liven” up the feel of traffic.
~ AI will now stop at Station Stop-Car markers where appropriate (JT Common Library required).
~ Scenic assets added for certain scenarios’ purposes.
~ Player & AI units that reflect the era of the route (2012).

~ JustTrains’ Common Library

~ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Common Library

~ RSC’s Great Western Mainline Route

~ RSC’s Class 159
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 158/159 (Cummins) Enhancement Pack
+ Chris Horsfield’s Class 158/159 SWR/SWT Destinations

~ Thomson Interactive’s Class 170
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 168/170/171 Enhancement Pack

~ Armstrong Powerhouse/Waggonz’s Class 313
+ Chris Horsfield’s Class 313 Southern Destination Patch

~ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 319 Vol. 1 Pack

~ DTG’s Chatham Mainline Route
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 375/377 Enhancement Pack

~ DTG’s Class 378

~ DTG’s Class 442
+ spongebot64’s Class 442 Destination Patch

~ DTG’s Portsmouth Direct Line
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
+ spongebot64’s SWT: Waterloo to Portsmouth Destinations Pack
+ Ash992478’s Class 450/5 High Capacity Patch

~ DTG’s Class 455/8
+ James Ivell’s Class 455 Texture Patches

~ Armstrong Powerhouse/Waggonz’ Class 456 Pack
+ Chris Horsfield’s Class 456 Southern Destinations Update

~ MasterKeySimulation’s Class 460 ‘Juniper’
+ Chris Horsfield’s Class 460 Destinations Update

~ RSC’s Class 465/2
+ RFletcher72’s Class 465/2/9 SET Black Stripe Reskin