[CB] 1M46 10:40 Bournemouth – Manchester Piccadilly

[CB] 1M46 10:40 Bournemouth – Manchester Piccadilly

15th October 2022 5 By CrankyBot

Brief –
Yesterday’s strikes are now over, but today leaves us with engineering works, that being said you are taking 1-Mike-4-6 on a diverted course through the Portsmouth Direct Line to Guildford where it will then navigate through Ash Vale towards Reading and resume as normal from there.

Traction –

Requirements –
~ DTG’s Portsmouth Direct Line
+ YBZG’s Portsmouth Direct Line Updated V1.3.4

~ Superalbs’ Class 166 GWR Reskin

~ JustTrain’s Class 220/221 Voyager (2019+)
+ Leander’s Class 220/221 Updated Consists

~ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 444/450 Enhancement Pack
+ AzeezSim’s Class 444/450 SWR Reskin Pack

~ DTG’s Class 455/8 & Thomson’s Class 455
+ Armstrong Powerhouse’s Class 455 Enhancement Pack Vol. 2

Difficulty & Duration –
40 Minutes | Medium