2Y11 1724 North Berwick – Edinburgh
23rd November 2023This is a 35-minute long scenario on the JustTrains Newcastle to Edinburgh route, driving a 3-car Class 385 unit (385030) from North Berwick to Edinburgh Waverley on a dull autumnal afternoon. You will call at all stations en-route.
This scenario includes fully authentic announcements throughout your journey.
Scenario Date: Saturday 18th November 2023.
It is imperative that you follow instructions in the readme, regarding having these announcements working properly, as you will need to remove the Thomson Interactive announcements from your system.
Newcastle to Edinburgh
Glasgow to Dunblane/Alloa
ECML London to Peterborough
Class 170 Turbostar
Class 92 Loco
Class 92 GBRf
ASR/FSR Class 158-170 Pack
Class 170 Enhancement Pack
Class 800 Enhancement Pack
Class 92 Sound Pack
Sky & Weather Enhancement Pack
LNER Azuma Reskin Pack
Lumo 803003
An excellent scenario thank you
Furthermore, the advice to delete anything within a .ap archive is very foolish. If the contents of a .ap archive simply must be made *invisible* to the game simply renaming files does the job, and retains the ability to revert back to a default state quickly and easily.
You don’t need to delete any files; the default sounds only play when a train passes over a dedicated marker. See section 7.2, page 25 of the manual.
Wrong. When you set a destination to e.g: Edinburgh, it will play the default sounds stating where its final destination is, REGARDLESS of whether you put down markers or not.
OK, final destination plays, but not the other announcements you’ve added. Why not produce edited copies of the defaults to override the supplied sounds if you think they’re wrong? That would make much more sense, but as my other reply, if needs must then re-naming the default files by adding .DEFAULT (for example) after the name stops the game using them.
Hi Chris – the folder ‘Audio’ does not exist at the filepath below:
No it’s the Audio FILES within that folder that you must delete.