1Z50 The Snowdon Ranger: Crewe – Holyhead

1Z50 The Snowdon Ranger: Crewe – Holyhead

1st April 2021 9 By Bill Dalton

Traction: 50 044 “Exeter”, Pretendolino Stock and 57 304 “Gordon Tracey”

Description: On Saturday 3rd September 2011, PTG tours ran The Snowdon Ranger from London Euston to Holyhead, returning the following day.
Although the tour was planned to be double-headed by 50 026 and 50 049, they weren’t ready in time
You will take 50 044, restored to its original condition, onwards from Crewe to Holyhead.

Be prepared for some changeable weather courtesey of AP’s Sky and Weather Enhancement Pack!


DTG – North Wales Coastal: Crewe – Holyhead

Armstrong Powerhouse:

Class 50 Locomotive Pack
Class 37 Locomotive Pack Volume 1 Only
Mk2 d-f Coach Pack
JNA-C Wagon Pack
Class 66 Enhancement Pack (And dependencies)
Class 150/2 DMU Pack
Class 175 Enhancement Pack 2.0
Class 158 (Perkins) Enhancement Pack
Sky and Weather Enhancement Pack

Major Wales Deisgn:
Pretendolino Reskin (Requires Class 90)

Vulcan Productions:
Class 57 (ATW)
Class 57 (Virgin Trains)