1F05 0623 St Pancras International to Sheffield
18th April 2021Description: Good Morning Driver, Today you will be starting up this class 43 set at Cricklewood Depot before moving it to London St Pancras to form the 06:23 East Midlands Railway service to Sheffield going as far as Bedford in this mornings rush hour drive! Good Luck! & Enjoy! 🙂
Length: 1 Hour & 20 Mins
Difficulty: Easy
DTG Midland Main Line
AP Class 43 MTU EP
AP Class 43 Valenta EP
AP Class 43 VP EP
Superalbs Class 700
JustTrains Class 222
Class 43 EMR Reskin
Ex LNER-EMR Reskin (ATS)
Major Wales Design Class 43 Revamp Pack
Major Wales Design Class 43 VTEC
DTG Class 395
Class 395012 Trainbow
Hello! Thank you so much for using my reskin in your scenario(s). I really appreciate it abs it means woot to me. Thank you. 🙂 I feel very honoured. 👍😀🚂
No Problem, I really like the purple EMR livery so I found this and I thought to use it! 🙂