1B04 0640 Frome to Cardiff Central
3rd October 2019AP Class 158 Cummins (2017, set during the GWR transition) from Bristol to Cardiff Central. Circa 60mins on the South Wales Coastal Route.
DTG Class 150/2
Class 66 FL /EWS
Class 70
Swansea to Bristol
Bristol to Cardiff
Settle to Carlise
DTG Class NWSE 159
Class 170 – sidings
Class 67 Jubilee
220 Voyager
AP Requirements:
Class 150 Sounds
Wherry Lines
Class 158/159 Cummins EP
Class 170EP – Sidings
Class 43 MTU EP
Class 66 EP
Class 143 EP
Class 37 Sound Pack
Class 220 Sound Pack
JPA Wagons
BBA Wagons – sidings only
Track & Weather EP
Superalbs FGW Plain, GWR 150 & ATW 150 Reskin
FL Class 66 Container reskin packs 1 & 2 – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72wagons.html
BYA EWS – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72wagons.html – sidings
Class 70 Colas Reskin – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72locomotives.html
RS Rail Productions Colas Class 37 Pack – https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=colas-rail-class-37-pack
HTA EWS & DBS Pack – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72wagons.html – sidings
VP FGW Class 43’s 43172 and 43186 – https://www.vulcanproductions.co.uk/diesel.html
Ex Royal Train NWR Reskin – https://www.dpsimulation.org.uk/rf72coaches.html
Is there a way swap the colas 37s for ap ones..
Bristol Cardiff is not on RWtools for unknown reason
Sorry, I dont have the AP one yet!
Very odd as I tested the start many times and this never happened. If I recall you are held at a red for the Westbury service to pass just south of Lawrence Hill.
Perhaps try resetting the cache and try again? In the meantime, I’ll look into this.
Still the same mate
Hi mate, had an AI collision.
I was held at a red before Bristol TM, a gwr class 150 ( Cheltenham – Westbury) came across the junction in front of me and crashed into me.