1 CEP, 2 CEPs : 3-CEP, 4-CEP (2003) v1.1

1 CEP, 2 CEPs : 3-CEP, 4-CEP (2003) v1.1

14th April 2021 7 By Matt Carroll

Hi, and thank you for downloading this 60 minute scenario for the South Western Main Line Southampton to Bournemouth route by DTG.
To install, simply copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a ‘Standard’ scenario, and is named “[MJC] 1 CEP, 2 CEPs : 3-CEP, 4-CEP”.

2P09 08.29 Brockenhurst to Lymington Pier
2P12 08.42 Lymington Pier to Brockenhurst
2W03 08.57 Brockenhurst to Wareham

Good morning driver. Please set-up your cab and set the destination blinds to 97. You have been on the Lymington branch for a few hours and this is your last trip. When you return to Brockenhurst, you and your guard will swap over to another unit and take the 08.57 Brockenhurst to Wareham service as far as Bournemouth. You are in CSR area 42. Registration codes are 0013 at Brockenhurst, 0022 at Lymington, and 0009 for the Wareham train at Brockenhurst. Route codes are 97 for the trip to Lymington and return, and 93 for the Wareham service. Each time you enter a unit, please apply the brakes immediately. Year: 2003.

The following are required to ensure that the scenarios function correctly:

* From Alan Thomson Simulation :
– Class 442 South West Trains pre-C6 pack by James Ivell (and associated requirements) https://alanthomsonsim.com/?download=class-442-south-west-trains
– JT Voyager Updated Consists by Leander https://alanthomsonsim.com/downloads/jt-class-220-221-no-driver-no-passengers-pack/

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Class 411/412 EMU pack
– Class 442 Sound Pack Pro

* From STEAM:
– South Western Main Line Southampton to Bournemouth route https://store.steampowered.com/app/1055333/Train_Simulator_South_Western_Main_Line_Southampton__Bournemouth_Route_AddOn/

* From Just Trains:
– Voyager Advanced 2019 https://www.justtrains.net/product/voyager-advanced-2019

Optional Requirements
The following are NOT required to ensure that the scenario functions correctly, however they will add to the immersion:

* From Armstrong Powerhouse https://www.armstrongpowerhouse.com/ :
– Sky and Weather enhancement pack.

Update 1.1 :
JT Voyager Updated consists added to list of requirements.

I do hope you enjoy this scenario.