0545 Edinburgh to Kings Cross
28th March 2021This morning, you take over the 0545 departure from Edinburgh to Kings Cross at Peterborough and must finish the journey into the capital. Traffic is light, but will build up the closer you go south.
Timings are based on the Summer 2011 timetables for East Coast, First Capital Connect and Grand Central that can be found on DPSimulation. I have no reference for non-passenger services, but the scenario has plenty of AI regardless.
55-minute scenario for DTG’s ECML South on Steam.
– ECML South;
– Class 67.
Armstrong Powerhouse (and their dependencies):
– Weather EP;
– Class 91 EP;
– Class 43 MTU EP;
– Class 317;
– Class 365 EP;
– Class 321;
– Class 313;
– JNA hoppers;
– Class 66 EP.
Major Wales Design (and their dependencies):
– Class 180 Revamp.
Alan Thomson Sim (and their dependencies):
– Class 91/Mk4 Improvements Patch.
Update 1.1 2021-03-29
– Found the Working Timetable for Summer 2011 on DPS (needed to scroll down the webpage), so 09:46 Kings X to Hull HT has been added;
– I forgot I put in James Ivell’s Class 91/Mk4 Improvement Patch. It’s been added to the requirements list.