United Airlines Class 483

United Airlines Class 483

1st February 2021 0 By Class43Harrison

1- Go to: C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks/Assets/RSDL/IslandLine/RailVehicles/Electric/Class483
2- Copy and Paste the the ‘Default’ file. Rename the copied file, ‘UAL’
3- Copy the Assets folder from the download and paste it into your RailWorks Directory. Usually: C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks/
4- When it asks you to overwrite files, click ok.
5- Go to TS2021 and clear the Cache.
6- Load a Quick-Drive scenario to check the reskin has successfully installed.

The Island Line and Class 483 are ownership of RSDL/Dovetail Games (DTG).

I cannot accept any responsibility if anything goes wrong with the download or your computer / device.
But hopefully everything should be fine! 🙂


Class43Harrison 01/02/2021 – 15:39pm GMT