TSW 2 Dynamic Clouds visual upgrade

TSW 2 Dynamic Clouds visual upgrade

12th May 2021 3 By Josh Rubio

This patch completely overhauls and improves the look of the dynamic clouds and the cloudscape, for TSW 2 routes which utilise the newer skybox.

Flat and 2D clouds have been completely replaced with clouds which look a lot more realistic, with much better colours representing the time of day and season, as well as the cloud patterns looking a lot more natural. These clouds are fully dynamic, so they will change shape and size as they make their way across the sky.

For the best results, choose one of the partially cloudy presents from the main menu.

*Note this mod does not affect older TSW 1 routes, which haven’t had their skybox upgraded*

Pictures have been provided and feedback and comments is appreciated.

TSW 2 routes and/or any route with the newer, upgraded skybox