SS 1O12 The Wessex Scot southbound (Part 3)

SS 1O12 The Wessex Scot southbound (Part 3)

25th February 2024 3 By Simon Schofield

Thank you for downloading this scenario. This is a re-work of the first scenario that I uploaded to ATS back in February 2021, now improved with better stock and three years of scenario experience. I hope that you enjoy it and find it fulfilling. All services are taken from the correct working timetables of the period. At times you will find the timings quite slack to take into consideration built in recovery times, other times you really be up against it 
This scenario works best with the 64-bit version of Train Simulator (32-bit is untested). As well as needing the West Coast Midlands and Northwest route (see the following link – West Coast Mainline Midlands and Northwest (aka – ‘Missing Link’) – Alan Thomson Simulation) you will also need the following DLC:

Armstrong Powerhouse: (
Class 87 Locomotive Pack Class 37 loco pack Volume 1
MK 2D-F coach pack Class 90 / Mk3 DVT pack
Class 31 enhancement pack Class 150/1 DMU pack
Class 43 Valenta enhancement pack Class 150/2 DMU pack
Class 86 enhancement pack Sky & Weather pack*
TTA Wagon Pack Vol 1 Mk3 A-B Coach Pack
Mk1 Coach Pack Vol.1 MGR Wagon Pack
FSA/FTA wagon pack Class 142 Diesel Multiple Unit pack
Class 56 Enhancement Pack Class 158 / 159 Cummins pack
Mk2A-C Coach Pack
N.B All the above need their associated steam DLC to be in place as per the original instructions from Armstrong Powerhouse. Items marked with an * are not essential for the scenario to run.
Backdated TrainSim: (
BR Parcels Class 47/4 pack

Steam Sounds Supreme: (
Departmental Wagon Pack

Steam Store: (
BR Class 31 BR Class 150/1 DMU
Virgin Pack 01 (currently unavailable) European Loco & Asset Pack
BR Class 86 BR Class 60
BR Sectors Class 56 Loco Add-on Birmingham Cross City Line
YQA Parr Wagon Pack Settle to Carlisle Route Add-On
Network Southeast Class 159 DMU Add-On

UK Train Sim: ( or search the following on Internet Archive (
UKTS File 39496 – Class 47 Railfreight Large Logo UKTS File 30733 – RFD Class 47´s 053/210

Vulcan Productions: (
Class 323 West Midlands area Reskin and Scenario Pack 2.0
VP BR Class 47 in Intercity Swallow livery

To install please copy the enclosed ‘Content’ folder to your Railworks folder. This is a “Standard” scenario and is named SS 1O12 The Wessex Scot southbound (Part 3). Please make sure that you have all of the scenario requirements before you attempt to run the scenario.
Please note that this scenario has been tested and re-tested and absolutely no problems have been detected and I present this scenario with the upmost good faith and integrity. I accept no responsibility for any damage that occurs to either your computer system or to your Train simulator installation. Upon completion of the scenario I always received a successful completion of the activity message and earned a green tick. In the unlikely event that you have any issues or if you have any questions please contact me via the Alan Thompson Sim Facebook page or via my email which is [email protected]

Thank you and I hope that you enjoy this scenario.