SP: 1B07 07:45 London Waterloo to Poole
23rd February 2022Hello and thanks for looking at this scenario for DTGs Southampton to Bournemouth Route.
Word about the privatisation of British Rail is being thrown about more and more as the year goes on, regardless of this, you are in charge of 1B07 to Poole from Waterloo, you take control on move approaching St Denys on a warm summers morning in 1994.
This scenario was made using The 1994 Section WG Working Timetable, and has been replicated by me as best as I can.
Difficulty: Easy (Green)
Start Time: 09:09
Start Location: St Denys
Traction: Class 442424
Service: 1B07 07:45 London Waterloo to Poole
Date: July 1994
Scenario Length: 50 Minutes
To install this scenario simply extract the ‘content’ folder provided and drag and drop it into your ‘RailWorks’ directory.
Class 442 EMU
Class 421 ‘4CIG’ EMU
European Loco & Asset Pack
WCML Over Shap
Class 442 SP
Class 411/412 EMU
Class 47 SP
Class 421/422/423 SP
Class 150/2 DMU
MK2 Pack 01
FSA/FTA Wagon Pack
Weather EP*
VGA Wagon Pack
Class 442 NSE Reskin:
Due to no destination that would do the trick, the Class 150/2 has no destination set in this scenario.
The ‘*’ means this DLC is only used for static AI/trains or/and is not needed to play the scenario, but is recommended.
If any requirements have been missed please let me know and I will sort it out.
Enjoy the scenario!
Sami Pitfield
I tried looking for the Class 47 Sound Pack on Armstrong Powerhouse and it isn’t there
I really enjoyed playing this scenario keep up the good work
Thanks John!
Class 47 Sound Pack*
says i need class 47 metals
The metals 47s are only static so no need to worry too much. May be wrong but I think it’s part of the ‘extra stock’ for the Class 7 Sound Pack.