Relief Line Reconnaissance (52495117 from 2017)
19th October 2019AP Class 43 MTU. NWR NMT Service Cardiff to Bristol PW 2017. Circa 38mins.
Welcome Driver. Set up your train including ETS from the rear cab. You are cleared to depart at 10:15 along the Up Relief Line until just before Newport when you switch to the fast line. Note there is a 15mph speed limit at the cross junction just before you (not 20mph as marked). Mwynhau!
Based on RTT around 2017 during the First Great Western period. Route: South Wales Coastal Route.
DTG Class 150/2
Class 66 FL /EWS
Class 70
Swansea to Bristol
Bristol to Cardiff
Settle to Carlise
DTG Class NWSE 159
Class 170
AP Requirements:
Class 150 Sounds
Class 158/159 Cummins EP
Class 170EP
Class 43 MTU EP
Class 66 EP
Class 143 EP
Track & Weather EP
Superalbs FGW Plain, GWR 150 & ATW 150 Reskin
FL Class 66 Container reskin packs 1 & 2 –
BYA EWS – – sidings
HTA EWS & DBS Pack – – sidings
VP FGW Class 43’s 43172 and 43186 –
UKTS_33824_Blocker engine – Waggonz
A Very enjoyable scenario, Thank you.
Thanks Barrie!