London to Dover and Ramsgate Patch

London to Dover and Ramsgate Patch

24th December 2021 14 By Chris Horsfield

This patch will fix a number of errors on the recently released route from DTG.

Fixes in this patch include:

Signalling fixes at Victoria
Pathing errors fixed at Victoria and Kent House
Removed all ambient sounds (These hit performance massively)
Crashing issue sorted when applying waypoints to scenarios (Railfans removed)
Moved speed sign at Ramsgate that was clipping trains
Some gradient smoothing along the route
Added extra portals on stretches where there was a lack of portals

NOTE: This is NOT the entire route. It only contains the edited files needed for this patch, you MUST own the route.


Further updates will be added as and when I find more faults and have the time to do them!


This patch is for the STAND ALONE VERSION ONLY! It will not apply to any merges.



Chatham Main Line: London Victoria & Blackfriars – Dover & Ramsgate


Enjoy, and Happy Christmas!