DTG Class 180 Extra Pass View Cameras

DTG Class 180 Extra Pass View Cameras

31st October 2020 5 By ChiefJack

This patch adds four more passenger view camera positions to the DTG Class 180; taking the total to five. It also makes you sit in the driver’s seat rather than stand behind it in the cab view. Installation details and requirements can be found below.

1) Copy the Assets folder and paste it into your Railworks folder.

Note: A backup of the original passenger view .bin file and cab view .bin file is included in the download, should you wish to revert to the original.

MANUAL DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zhGZEIPnQrBiYDW6tagXSubITXsHCHT8/view?usp=sharing

Steam: Grand Central Class 180 ‘Adelante’ DMU
Major Wales: Class 180 Revamp Pack