Class 508 Silverlink & London Overground

Class 508 Silverlink & London Overground

12th April 2019 2 By Dennis May

The Class 508 is part of the PEP family from the Classes 313, 314, 315 & 507. The 508 entered service in 1979 & still in service today on just the MerseyRail Network. Before 2010 London Overground had 3 Class 508/3 which was owned by Silverlink but transferred to LO & was replaced by Class 378’s. The 508/3 operated on the Watford DC Line & after they got replaced by 378’s they was scrapped.

The Reason why the APClass315 Pack is required is because it uses the Trailer coach which don’t have a Panto & the Class 508’s are only DC Only!

You will need the APClass 313 & APClass314/315 Packs for this to work correctly.
