Class 170 – British Transport Police (170407) V2.1
7th May 2021This is a reskin of the class 170 into the British Transport Police livery that 170407 carries
Thomson Class 170
AP 168/170/171 Enhancement Pack
Chris Horsfield’s Class 158 & 170 Scotrail Destination Pack V2.2
To install simply drag the assets folder into your Railworks directory and then run 170407BTPinstall.bat
Version History
V2.0 – Fixed bin files and updated textures
V2.1 – Fixed First decals not showing up on the doors
Big thanks to Chris Horsfield for helping with bin files and creating the bat installer.
Is it same reskin – https://caledonianrailworks.wordpress.com/reskins-by-class-type/class-170/ (only uploaded here) or brand new with greater texture resolution?
This is a new one done from the ground up with a much higher resolution
A fab reskin!!
Hi When I run the file it says “Failed” What do I do?