BR Blue Class 483 *UPDATED*
12th January 2021BR Class 483
RSDL Island Line (Available from Steam) – (https://store.steampowered.com/app/24021/Train_Simulator_Isle_of_Wight_Route_AddOn/)
Backdated TrainSim Class 483 Sound Patch (IOW 483 Patch) – (https://backdatedtrainsim.weebly.com/multiple-units.html)
The sound patch is listed under -London Transport 1938 Stock Enhancement Pack on Backdated Transim’s website.
1. Extract the ‘Assets’ folder from within the download.
2. Go to – (Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks/Assets/RSDL/IslandLine/RailVehicles/Electric/Class483/Default)
3. Copy and Paste the ‘Default’ Folder.
4. Rename the ‘Default – Copy’ folder – ‘BR’
5. Copy the ‘Assets’ folder from the download.
6. Now paste the ‘Assets’ folder to (Program Files(x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks/)
7. Now load Train Simulator 2021 and go to – Settings/Tools/Clear Cache.
8. Now click ‘Clear Cache’. The game should restart.
9. Load a Quick-Drive Scenario to check that the reskin has installed successfully.
The Class 483 EMU and Island Line (Isle of White Route Addon) is ownership of RSDL / Dovetail Games (DTG)
This Reskin was made by Class43Harrion.
This reskin should NOT be re-distributed or used in any payware products.
If you wish for this to be in a custom freeware scenario or route of yours, please consult me first.
My Website: www.class43harrison.weebly.com
Instagram: @class43harrison
YouTube channel: Class43Harrison
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
This reskin and ReadMe was made and written on Thursday 24th December 2020
13:11pm – 13:12pmGMT.
Updated on Tuesday 12th 2021 – 10:34am
And may I ask why do we need permission for this to be in a freeware scenario, its not like the reskin comes with the scenario.
Sorry mate, meant to put payware. Just if you are distributing it, just credit myself please. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
This one does not look too bad I will think about it now but I may only get them if they were on trains 20 years ago.
Cheers! I am glad that you like it! It is my favourite reskin I have done so far! 😀 Stay Safe!